Widow Jane Bourbon Review

Widow Jane Bourbon Review

Our verdict

When it comes to elite bourbons, it’s difficult to get much better than Widow Jane. This gorgeous bourbon is loved across the world, and not least for its gorgeous flavor notes, including corn, cinnamon, orange, and vanilla.

Overall rating

The longer review

Something of a new kid on the block in bourbon terms, Widow Jane is making waves among Kentucky bourbons. The exquisitely sourced bourbon is blended with Limestone mineral water from the Widow Jane Mine in Kentucky, and combined to give the unique and remarkable taste and flavor. The Widow Jane Distillery is owned by Cacao Prieto and was formed in 2012, but not a lot is known about the inner workings, with some pertinent information not disclosed. 

The bourbon is produced in Kentucky using water from the mines and is then brought to New York to be bottled and proofed. One of the things we love the most about Widow Jane is that it is a single-barrel bourbon, which means that each barrel has its own unique flavor profile. This, of course, makes it tricky to give an all-encompassing review, but we can work with what we have!

Where is Widow Jane made?

Country it’s made in 

Produced in Kentucky, sourced from MGP in Indiana, and bottled and proofed in New York City, it doesn’t get more American than Widow Jane. This is one of the most popular American bourbons on the market, and it’s not hard to understand why. 

widow jane bourbon bottle

What’s in it?

Finished in 8-year-old American oak casks, Widow Jane has a unique flavor profile that is unmistakably American. Diluting the bourbon with water is what helps to give Widow Jane its unique flavor and aroma, and this is something that helps make it iconic. 

Reputation of the distillery

Widow Jane distillery sources from Indiana, has its bourbon bottled and proofed in New York, but the distillery itself is believed to be an undisclosed location in Kentucky. This adds an air of intrigue and mystery to the bourbon and, in our view, heightens the experience. 

widow jane bourbon barrels

Tasting notes.

What to expect

The taste and notes found in Widow Jane are a big part of what makes this such a spectacularly delicious and popular bourbon. Indeed, we think the tasting notes are definitely the highlight of this product, so let’s dive in and find out as much as we can about this process right now. 


All the classic smells waft to your nostrils here, barrel char, vanilla, oak, corn, and more. But there’s also something else. Something different. Something richer, darker, more beguiling. Deep cherry, luscious caramel, candied ginger, and dark fruit, there’s an effervescence here that lingers on the nose, and almost smells as though it has a sherry finish. A remarkable set of smells that combine to provide one of the best smelling bourbons we’ve ever experienced. 

widow jane bourbon bottles on shelf


The deep copper-colored complexion makes this one of the finest bourbons to look at. There is just something so regal and impressive about a deep, dark, vibrant-colored bourbon, teeming with a blend of different hues and shades that you can’t quite put a finger on. We love the way this looks in the bottle, and the glass. This is a bourbon that looks top drawer, and it certainly has a price to match!


As impressive as the smell is, the taste is equally so, and there is so much rich fruity goodness packed into this delicious bourbon. On first taste, we picked out orange peel, almond, and maple sweetness. Then comes the next layer of tastes; grape, cheese, licorice, tobacco, pepper, and even dark chocolate. A moody, brooding palette that offers so much and is packed full of curious and wonderful flavors.

widow jane bourbon factory

The Whiskey Rocks verdict.

Is it good?

Overall, there is so much to love about Widow Jane, a bold and impressive bourbon that wears its notes very much on its sleeve. Delicious, captivating, and unique, with 91 proof that lingers on the palette, this is a stunning choice. So here is our summary of what to expect, and who we think would live this bourbon.

Our thoughts

Fascinating, aromatic smells, and divine, unique flavors, this is a bourbon that ticks so many boxes for us. When Wordsworth spoke of Tintern Abbey and its surroundings, he said  “… I have owed to them, in hours of weariness, sensations sweet.” We can apply that to Widow Jane. The kind of bourbon that is all about sensation. The kind we think about long after the moment has passed into thought and time. 

Who’d like it?

Any bourbon connoisseurs and those who love rich, dark, velvety flavors that tantalize the taste buds and captivate the nostrils. If you’re prepared to pay more for this top-of-the-range stuff, then you’re not going to be disappointed. But, costing upwards of $60.00, this is a bourbon that is suited to those with a higher budget. 

Who wouldn’t like it?

If your main focus is affordability, then Widow Jane is not the bourbon for you. High-end in quality is also high-end in price here as well, and this means it’s not right for those looking at cheaper bourbons, of which there are many. 

Ashleigh Cain

Ashleigh is a key part of the editorial team at Whiskey Rocks. You'll often find her either writing educational articles or reviewing the latest artisan whiskeys. Her favorite drink? Ashleigh loves smokey scotches like Laphroaig, but you'll also often find her with an old fashioned in hand.

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